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  • Snakes
    [ 9 years, 11 months, 3 weeks, 23 hours, 33 mins, 9 secs ago ]
  • zhenpeing
    [ 12 years, 7 months, 1 day, 22 hours, 2 mins, 56 secs ago ]
  • haizihz745
    [ 12 years, 7 months, 5 days, 5 hours, 4 mins, 38 secs ago ]
  • dfd2sgd045
    [ 12 years, 7 months, 6 days, 11 hours, 44 mins, 23 secs ago ]
  • Tina5v1166
    [ 12 years, 7 months, 1 week, 52 mins, 51 secs ago ]
  • Minem8x5
    [ 12 years, 7 months, 1 week, 2 hours, 26 mins, 28 secs ago ]
  • cbfsbcb925
    [ 12 years, 7 months, 1 week, 1 day, 2 hours, 14 mins, 5 secs ago ]
  • twgogf93
    [ 12 years, 7 months, 1 week, 2 days, 5 hours, 5 mins, 51 secs ago ]
  • 1xiankeniyp
    [ 12 years, 7 months, 1 week, 2 days, 9 hours, 35 mins, 14 secs ago ]
  • yuzongsd
    [ 12 years, 7 months, 1 week, 5 days, 4 hours, 29 mins, 58 secs ago ]
Guests: 3, Members: 0 ...

most ever online: 180
(Members: 0, Guests: 180) on 19 Jan : 17:02

Members: 13
Newest member: huewooey

17 Mar : 04:29
Hello SkuZ you ok?

17 Mar : 03:54
Hi Snakessss

05 Mar : 05:50
Hi sivad!

03 Mar : 18:58
hello ppl

02 Mar : 11:41
Hello Immortal_Soul!

02 Mar : 11:40
woop woop im here :D

Download mIRC Scripts
Snakes, Friday 06 April 2012 - 13:18:01

If you have a script you would like to be added to here then please click here.

Scripter: Snakes
Script Title: Auction Bot
Script Editor: Remotes
Tested mIRC Versions: v6.35
Description: This script allows you to run auctions on your server including a "reserve price".

Scripter: Snakes
Script Title: Auto Respond On Away
Script Editor: Remotes
Tested mIRC Versions: v6.35 (I suspect this script will work in previous and future mIRC versions).
Description: Announcing your away status in every channel is considered highly annoying by many. This script solves this problem by allowing you to mark as away silently and messaging a user when they mention your name or start a pm/query with you.

Scripter: Snakes
Script Title: Flash Alert
Script Editor: Remotes
Tested mIRC Versions: v6.35 (I suspect this script will work in previous and future mIRC versions).
Description: This script makes your mIRC background flash different colours when your nick is mentioned. IF YOU HAVE EPILEPSY USE AT OWN RISK!!

Scripter: Snakes
Script Title: Flash Pictures
Script Editor: Remotes
Tested mIRC Versions: v6.35 (I suspect this script will work in previous and future mIRC versions).
Description: This script makes pictures of your choice flash on your mIRC background when your nick is mentioned in a channel.

Scripter: Snakes
Script Title: GateWay Bot
Script Editor: Remotes
Tested mIRC Versions: v6.35 (I suspect this script will work in previous and future mIRC versions).
Description: IRC Bot to help with monitoring and managing your IRC network. Includes staff script.

Scripter: Snakes
Script Title: Mimic Script
Script Editor: Remotes
Tested mIRC Versions: v6.35, v7.0 (I suspect this script will work in previous and future mIRC versions).
Description: This script mimic's your victim. If your victim changes their nick the script automatically detects this and updates itself to continue mimicing the victim. This script was made for you to enjoy, don't abuse it and annoy others with it.

Scripter: Snakes
Script Title: Query Blocker
Script Editor: Remotes
Tested mIRC Versions: v6.35 and v7.0 (I suspect this script will work in previous and future mIRC versions).
Description: This script is coded to help you manage your private messages and stop just anybody being able to query/PM you without permission.

Scripter: Snakes
Script Title: Verbal Alert
Script Editor: Remotes
Tested mIRC Versions: v7.0 (As far as I know this script does not work in previous versions but should work in future versions).
Description: This script verbally tells you when your name is mentioned. The script will announce who mentioned your nick, whether it was in PM or a channel (if channel also says the channel name) and the message they said.

Scripter: NishaKitty
Script Title: Colour Nicks
Script Editor: Remotes
Tested mIRC Versions: v6.35 (I suspect this script will work in previous and future mIRC versions).
Description: This script randomly assigns colours to the nick names in the nick list.

Scripter: NishaKitty
Script Title: Maximise mIRC Window on start up.
Script Editor: Remotes
Tested mIRC Versions: v6.35
Description: This script automatically maximises the mIRC window when mIRC is opened.