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Popups Scripting Tutorial
Snakes, Friday 12 March 2010 - 13:11:12

How to edit and make your own popups script

mIRC popups scripts are the popup menus that appear on your screen when you right click in certain areas or go to "commands" in the menu bar. They are able to prompt a variety of commands, and are useful for things such as nick commands or channel commands. Popups can be used in the status window, menu bar, query, channel and nick list. To add or code scripts for these places please follow these instructions:

Tools > Script Editor > Popups > View > Click whichever one you need.

After reaching the script editor screen (following the process above), you are now ready to code a popup. So first you will need the syntax for popups scripting which I will give with an example and break down into individual steps making it easier for you to understand:

A popup script requires a position, word(s) to appear in the menu, a colon (to seperate the word(s) in the menu with the command(s), and the command(s) triggered when the popup is selected/clicked.


Position (dot) - dots are used to place a command somewhere within a popup, e.g. no dot will mean the code will appear in the first/main popup column, one dot means the code will appear in the second column (first sub-menu) of a popup menu, two dots means it will appear in the third column (second sub-menu) and so forth. So basically the dots indicate the position of the popup in the script in regards to the previous popup.

Words In The Menu (Freenode) - Words in the menu are the words that appear when you right click or click "commands" in the menu bar, this is so you know where to click to activate each command. It is helpful to put useful words in the menu.

Colon(:) - colons are needed to seperate the words in the menu from the actual command(s). They tell the compiler when the command starts and thus a slash is not always needed after it.

Command(s) (/run - Command or commands performed when the "Freenode" pop up is selected. In this case the command is /run which will run the freenode website.

Still don't understand the dots 100%? I'll write a little script using them which will hopefully help you to understand them more. Also bare in mind menu titles only require words for in the menu and a position (if applicable).

.Nice Slaps
..Cuddle:/me cuddles $$1
..Kisses:/me kisses $$1
.Mean Slaps
..Punch:/me punches $$1
..Kick:/me kicks $$1

* $$1 is used to represent different nicknames instead of writing the same command out with each users nickname in it. It will automatically pick up the first name highlighted. If you want the script to pick up multiple nicks then you can use $$* instead.

The script above will work in the following way:

1) In the main menu will appear an option called "Slaps".

2) When you put you cursor over "Slaps", two more options will appear "Nice Slaps" and "Mean Slaps".

3) When you put your cursor over "Nice Slaps", "Cuddle" and "kisses" appear and when you click one of them it will perform an action message saying you have either kissed or cuddled the recipient ($$1).

4) When you put your cursor over "Mean Slaps", "Punch" and "Kick" will appear, and when you click one of them it will perform an action message saying you have either punched or kicked the recipient ($$1).