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Remotes Scripting Tutorial
How to edit and make your own remotes script
Remotes scripts in mIRC are the most advanced and can allow you to do a variety of actions including reacting to certain events/triggers, logging and much more. As remotes scripts are the most advanced it goes without saying they are also the most complicated to code, and as there is so much you can do with remotes for me to cover everything this tutorial will never end so I will only cover the complete basics. Once you are comfortable with remotes feel free to attempt to code more complex features after all practise makes perfect and remember with coding patience is a virtue.
This bit of the tutorial will help you to load pre-made or downloaded scripts.
1) place them in your suitable directory, easiest one to use is C:\mIRC\Scripts
2) On your mIRC type /load -rs C:\mIRC\Scripts\remotes.mrc remotes.mrc will be the name of your script you wish to load into your mIRC.
You can load scripts into mIRC by placing them into your mIRC directory and then typing /load -rs remotes.mrc which is easier than remembering the directory that you saved the script into and putting it in the load.
If you already have scripts in your mIRC then they will possibly be in your scripts editor you can access this by clicking on the tools option in the menu bar at top of the mIRC and then clicking "Script Editor".
You could access script editor a different way by pressing ALT + R. There you will see the other script tabs that you use with mIRC like; Aliases, Popups, Remotes, Users, Variables. The default when loading the script's editor by this short cut is remotes, which is what we need on this tutorial.
If you want to view already loaded scripts in remotes then click view in the menu bar at the top in remotes section and you will be presented with a list of currently loaded scripts.
If you wish just to paste your code in without saving it and loading it. Make sure scripts editor is open on remotes, go to file and click new this will bring up a blank document for you to paste your script in and then click ok. If the script doesn't contain a on/off configuration then it should work as soon as you have pressed ok providing your remotes are turned on (/remote on).
As previously stated there is a lot you can do with remotes scripting and I haven't got the time to write down everything and I am sure you don't have the time to read it so I will start of with a useful script that is requested a lot by people and then move on to some fun ones.
This script will automatically connect you to multiple servers and identify you when start mIRC:
on *:START: {
The -m will connect the server in a new server window so you will not get disconnected from the current server.
Replace SERVERNAME for the IRC server address e.g
Replace PORT with the port to connect on (generally 6667).
Replace PASSWORD with your services password you used to register your nick.
Example /server ThisIsMyPassword
The following scripts are just to explain the syntax of the on event remotes scripting. They aren't particularly useful for everyday scripting but if it helps you to learn and understand remotes mIRC scripting then it has served it's purpose. There are a variety of events that can be used to trigger an mIRC script and you can get the full list by typing /help on in your mIRC.
(1). When user joins a channel (remove [^] out of script if using exact).
[1a]. Message channel when a user has joined.
ON *:JOIN:^#JoinChannel: { msg ^^$chan ^^^Welcome ^^^^$nick To #JoinChannel. }
^ - The channel you wish for the remote to be triggered on when a user joins, whatever channel is stated there is the channel that will get messaged (if you don't substitute the $chan for another channel name. You can use all channels you are in by using '#' without actually stating a channel name.
^^ - This is the channel that it will send a message to, you can change this to any channel you wish to message when a user has joined the channel set.
^^^ - The message that would be sent to the channel.
^^^^ - The $nick being the user that has joined the channel.
[1b]. Message user when they have joined a channel.
ON *:JOIN:^#JoinChannel: { msg $nick ^^You Successfully Joined ^^^$chan }
^ - The channel you wish for the remote to be triggered on when they join. You can use all channels you are in by using '#'.
^^ - The message that would be sent to the user
^^^ - The $chan being the channel that they have just joined.
(2). When user parts channel (remove [^] Out of script if using exact).
[2a]. Message channel that user has parted.
ON *:PART:^#PartChannel: { msg ^^$chan ^^^$nick ^^^^has left $chan $+ . }
^ - The channel you wish for the remote to be triggered on when they join. You can use all channels you are in by using '#'.
^^ - This is the channel that it will send a message to, you can change this to any channel you wish to message when a user has parted the channel set.
^^^ - The $nick being the user that has parted the channel.
^^^^ - The message that would be sent to the channel.
[2b]. Message user that has parted.
ON *:PART:^#PartChannel: { msg ^^$nick ^^^Please come back to ^^^^$chan }
^ - The channel you wish for the remote to be triggered on when they join. You can use all channels you are in by using '#'.
^^ - The user that has just left the channel and triggered the script.
^^^ - The message that would be sent to the user.
^^^^ - The $chan being the channel that they have just parted from.
(3). When a certain word has been said in a channel (remove [^] Out of script if using exact).
[3a]. Message channel on word detection.
ON *:TEXT:^Cheese:^^#WordChannel: { msg ^^^$chan ^^^^Cheese was made on the moon }
^ - The word you wish for the remote to detect and message the channel when said. This word can be also be detected in sentence by putting in asterisks e.g *Cheese*.
^^ - Being the channel that the remote will look for the word set.
^^^ - The channel to message when triggered.
^^^^ - The message that will be messaged to the channel when the word has been detected by the remote.
[3b]. Message user that has said the word.
ON *:TEXT:^Cheese:^^#WordChannel: { msg ^^^$nick ^^^^Cheese was made on the moon }
^ - The word you wish for the remote to detect and message the channel when said. This word can be also be detected in sentence by putting in asterisks e.g *Cheese*.
^^ - Being the channel that the remote will look for the word set.
^^^ - The user to message when the script has been triggered.
^^^^ - The message that will be messaged to the user when the word has been detected by the remote.
NOTE: On text events you can use # to tell the script to listen into channel for the trigger, ? to tell the script to listen to private messages, and * to tell it to listen to both.
(4). Saving the certain events into a file (remove [^] Out of script if using exact).
[4a]. Join event's.
ON *:JOIN:^#JoinChannel: { write ^^C:\events\Join.txt ^^^$nick Joined $chan }
^ - Being the channel that the remote will be triggered in.
^^ - Being the directory to the file where you want to save the event.
^^^ - The message you would like to be saved into the file, $nick will be auto replaced by the user's nick that triggered the script.
[4b]. Part event's.
ON *:PART:^#PartChannel: { write ^^C:\events\Part.txt ^^^$nick Parted $chan }
^ - Being the channel that the remote will be triggered in.
^^ - Being the directory to the file where you want to save the event.
^^^ - The message you would like to be saved into the file, $nick will be auto replaced by the user's nick that triggered the script.
[4c]. Text event's.
ON *:TEXT:^Cheese:^^#WordChannel: { write ^^^C:\events\Words.txt ^^^^$nick Said ^^^^^$1- }
^ - Being the text that the remote will be triggered by.
^^ - Being the channel that the remote will look in for the text.
^^^ - Being the directory to the file you want to save the event.
^^^^ - The message that will be saved into the event log, $nick will be auto replaced by the user's nick that triggered the script.
^^^^^ - $1- will save the whole sentence that the word has been said in.