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Alias Scripting Tutorial
How to edit and make your own aliases script
An alias is an easier way of doing one or mulitple commands, it is basically a shortcut to use. Aliases can be quite simple to quite complex depending on your needs in this tutorial we will cover the basics.
Firstly where to code or put an alias script. Simply follow these 3 steps:
1. Click on Tools
2. Click on Script Editor
3. Click on Aliases
So now you know where to put an alias script you'll want to know how to script one so we'll start with the syntax. Remembering an alias is like a shortcut you will start of with scripting what the shortcut will be this could be an F key (to script these you type which f key it will be for example; F1, F2, F3) followed by the command you want to be triggered.
F1 /nick Snakes
This means when you press F1 the command performed is /nick Snakes changing your nick name to Snakes.
In the same way as the F key aliases you can make up your own trigger using the same synax. You might find it useful to type the name of a server and have mIRC connect you to that server if so here is how you would do it.
Example: /freenode /server -m
The -m will then open a new server window for you so you dont have to leave the server you are already in. The command will work without the -m but will mean if you are currently connected to another server you will get disconnected from it.
You can have the alias trigger multiple commands from the same trigger by using a | between each command. This is useful for connecting to multiple servers or even changing your nick and identifying. I'll provide you with an example of each to get you started.
To recover your nick name when you type /recover you could use an alias like this:
/recover /ns ghost NICK PASSWORD | /nick NICK | /ns identify PASSWORD
Replace NICK with your nick name and PASSWORD with your nickserv password.
To code an alias that will connect you to muiltiple servers when you type /connectme you will need something like this:
/connectme /server | /server -m | /server -m
Again the -m will make you connect in a new server window.